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Reading Akashic Records

Yesterday I tried something new and it was AMAZING! I have been reading my own Akashic records for myself and friends for about three years now, and it has been a truly fulfilling experience. The records have helped me heal wounds and get to know my authentic self on deeper level. They have guided and continue to guide me with my business venture.

Yesterday I went to a local metaphysical shop and attended their amateur day. A day where people can go and practice their craft with whoever shows up, and receive tips for their services. I was a bit nervous at first, because unlike tarot, the records are so much more personal. When I’m in the records I literally feel the energy of that person AND their guides. So this was going to be a completely different experience, but my guides told me it would be worth it. As per normal, they were correct.

I was doing back to back Akashic readings and it was so much fun and people were able to learn so much about themselves. Not every question was given a direct answer, yet they were still given a direction for growth. I helped people learn about their spirit guides, I helped people learn about their past lives, and understand more of why their habits are the way they are. I also worked with very heavy questions about people’s lives. I felt immense amount of power is some records, overwhelming amount of warmth in others, and like I was at spa for a few. The different energies were amazing and humbling to experience.

The most humbling experience of it all was being a channel for the guides that came to me and entrusted me with their message for the intended person. There were times of struggle, where I was being shown things, I didn’t understand. Their were a few times where the English language failed me because we didn’t have the words to communicate what was needed to be exactly said. But I did my best and where I had confusion, the person receiving the message could understand.

It was an amazing experience and I plan on adding this service to my business. I was so in flow during those 5 hours that I didn’t even know 5 hours had passed. The whole experience only felt like 30 minutes 😊

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